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Nicki Aycox Biography

Nicki Aycox ('Minxie Hayes' in "Jeepers Creepers 2"), an Oklahoma native, is known for her recurring story arch as Julie Bowenˇ¦s younger sister on the acclaimed NBC series "Ed." No stranger to hit NBC series, Aycox also had a recurring role on "Providence."

Aycox has also garnered star turns in some of televisionˇ¦s most popular shows, including "CSI," "Dark Angel," "The X-Files" and "Ally McBeal." In addition to her work on the small screen, Aycox has been featured in such films as "Crime and Punishment in Suburbia," "Rave MacBeth," and "Slap Her, Sheˇ¦s French."

-Born in Oklahoma on May 26, 1975

Biography prepared by United Artists in support of Nicki Aycox's role in "Jeepers Creepers 2," with the exception of the 'Quick Facts' section.

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